Fields below are the Request Parameters required by 1Pay -

Merchant Id: * Enter you Test/Live Merchant ID
API Key : * Enter your Test/Live API Key
Merchant Order No. : * Must be Unique for every Transaction
Amount(Rs.) : * Must be Decimal Value ( 2 decimal point )
Transaction Date Time: *
Customer Mail ID : *
Customer Mobile No. : *
UDF1 : * Shipping address of the customer
UDF2 : * Billing address of the customer
Merchant Return URL : * Enter URL where Response will be redirected
Multipart Settlement : * 0(False)/1(True)
Product ID : * IF Multipart Settlement Value '0' then 'DEFAULT' ELSE 'PRODUCTID1~AMOUNT1|...|PRODUCTIDn~AMOUNTn'
Channel ID : *
Transaction Type: * DIRECT / REDIRECT
UDF3 :
UDF4 :
UDF5 :
UDF6 : EX: "[{"UDF":"U1"},{"UDF1":"U2"},.....]"
Encryption Type :

 Proper Values of below field are required only if Txn Type is "REDIRECT" else default value is "NA".

Instrument ID : NB/CC/DC/UPI/WALLET/BNPL for Txn Type "REDIRECT"
Card Details : For CC/DC : "CARDNAME|CARDNO|CVV|EXPIRY" or For NB : Bank specific code provided by 1Pay or For UPI : VPA or For WALLET : Wallet Name(PayZapp/ATOMWALLET) or For BNPL : BNPL Provider Name
Card Type : For CC/DC : Visa/Mastercard/Rupay/Amex etc... or For UPI : UPI/ATOMUPI